Triad of Health

Triad of Health

I am re-posting this piece from my old site as it continues to be the template of my practice and has been for 24 years. Everything I provide as a doctor has it’s basis in this model as it incorporates all aspects of our being, as humans. (This was posted 2 years ago, so you can add a few years to any numbers provided).

This is the model of healthcare that I work with in my practice. I felt that the Triad was a good blog post to start with as everything that I will be posting on this site will fall into one of the following categories. In my practice, when I am able to address the Biomechanical, Biochemical and Spiritual/Emotional health of a patient – we see much better results. Here is a little overview of each aspect.

Biomechanical – includes Posture (both awake and asleep), Exercise, Stretching, Receiving regular biomechanical therapies, Orthotics.

Biochemical – includes receiving proper nutrition (food and supplements), drugs, medications, pollutants. This aspect of the Triad has grown in importance in my practice over the last three years, as I study the value of top quality nutrition and see the results in my patients.

Spiritual/Emotional – Life is stressful, lets face it. The secret is to acquire the tools to be able flourish amidst the challenges. I don’t know how anyone can be successful in life these days without coaching, be it personal and/or business.

Mind/body medicine — including the work of Louise Hay, author of “You Can Heal Your Life” — is the basis of what I work with in my office. Living a mindful life is our goal.