Eating According to the Seasons

Eating According to the Seasons

This next topic is a very exciting one for me, as it has made a HUGE difference for me in my health.

The topic for today is “How eating warm smoothies for breakfast has eliminated my sinus headaches”.

Pretty powerful stuff, yes???

So here’s the story.  I started getting sinus headaches about 4 years ago. I had never had them before, so it was strange that they would start up in my late 40’s. I had done my best to alter what I felt was the cause of the headaches, addressing the bio-mechanical, biochemical and mental/emotional/spiritual aspects as they relate to sinus headaches – nothing had really done the job though.

The last headache I had was a few weeks after moving to Victoria in September, and whilst on my way to find some Grapefruit Seed Extract, I ended up at a little office in Oak Bay. It was there that I had a very cool conversation with a lovely woman who was a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Doctor. I have known about the concept of keeping warm and eating warm foods in the winter time, so when she jumped right into this topic, well big light bulbs went off.

I quickly made the link to the fact that I had started doing smoothies for breakfast at about the same time my headaches started to occur – and to the fact that over this past summer, I hadn’t had any headaches. So here we are in September; the cold weather has started to come on and voila – I get a sinus headache.

The lovely doctor gave some herbs to make a horrible tasting drink along with a handout of things to do, including no cold drinks on their own (thank you very much) and within a day, my head was normal again. And guess what? I haven’t had a sinus headache since!!

So now I drink my smoothies warm for the winter season, including making very yummy, warm smoothie bowls. I am following the TCM guidelines for keeping warm and am eating the recommended foods to keep me healthy over the winter season. So far so good.

I would love to hear your story, if you have had any similar results when you have switched your diet to suit the seasons.