Please contact me by phone or email for a complimentary chat about your coaching.


“The best word I can use to describe coaching with Leslie is GROUNDING.

She brought my values into a clear lens where I could begin to evaluate life and what I was putting energy into. She was a compass at a time when I most needed one and that was priceless.”  Susana



When you are ready to live your fully authentic life.

This 3 month program is the basis for exploring your next steps and knowing with confidence, that you are on the right track and following your purpose.

My North Star Program includes:

7 – 1 hour coaching sessions spaced 1 to 2 weeks apart.

Values Aligned Living Program – $1800.00.


“I first met Leslie when I was interested in taking top-quality supplements. She is easy to talk with and very knowledgeable about filling in the nutritional gap. Since following Leslie’s recommendation I am experiencing more energy, feeling more agile and enjoying an overall improvement in my health which is exciting for this 75-year-old gal.

I highly recommend Leslie as someone you can trust with your health and I am so grateful.” Karen



When you are ready for simplicity, clarity and results for your nutritional health.

This 3 month program is focused upon the nutritional aspect of your health. Working with The Eating For Your Blood Type model, you will get a taste of the powerful effectiveness of this eating template. At the same time you will also experience the power of taking top quality supplements – filling in the nutritional gap for your cells. This combination of food and supplementation brings potent positive changes for your body. ultimately giving you the results you are wanting for your nutritional health. Supplementation costs are an additional investment.

The Nutrition 100 Program includes:

7 – 1 hour coaching sessions spaced 1 to 2 weeks apart.

Nutrition 100 Program – $1800.00


I am so grateful for Dr. Leslie.  She generously shares her extensive expertise, enthusiasm and encouragement and helped me make sense of the plethora of conflicting advice regarding food, supplements, toxins, etc.. Finally, information that felt true to me from a person I could trust!

I experienced a significant improvement in my health after a few weeks of proper supplementation.  Most beneficial was the complete lifting of the brain fog that had plagued me since having Covid last summer.  The brain fog has not returned and it’s been almost 2 months now.  My energy continues to be replenished a little more each day.  Guess it isn’t ‘all downhill from here’ as I often hear seniors say.” Elizabeth



When you are ready to experience a sustainable health platform from which to live your fully authentic life.

This 6 month program is based upon the Triad of Health Model. This model pays attention to the structural, nutritional, and mental/emotional/spiritual aspects of our being – a truly holistic approach.  You will learn what’s most important for YOUR optimal health and will have me as your cheerleader for the duration of the program.  This program blends the Values Aligned Living Program and the Nutrition 100 Program – ultimately creating a simple and effective plan for a healthier, happier you.  Supplementation will be a part of this program and an additional investment.

The Shifting Health Program includes:

14 – 1 hour coaching sessions spaced 1 to 2 weeks apart.

Shifting Health Program – $3600.00



When you are ready for clarity along your path.

This program is designed to bring more grace and ease alongside your caregiving and eldercare journey.

The Navigating Eldercare & Caregiving Program includes:

Up to 8 sessions (depending on what you want guidance regarding).

Navigating Eldercare & Caregiving Program – $140.00 per 1 hour session



Cancellation Policy: If you are unable to keep your appointment please give at least 24 hours notice to ensure you are not charged for the full cost of the session, Otherwise we require that clients pay 50% of the session cost.

Cancellation of Services inside of a program time frame:

For all programs offered there is room to switch participation to another offering within a year of original purchase.

Refund Policy:

There is a 30-day full (remaining)  refund policy after a trial period of a minimum 2 sessions.

***Coaching programs are designed to have more effectiveness in a client’s life with pre-payment in order for the client to be fully committed to the coaching process.***



Feel free to email me.